вторник, 18 ноября 2014 г.

20+ Ideas & Projects for a Rainy Garden

20+ Ideas & Projects for a Rainy Garden
20+ Rainy Garden Ideas & Projects

Make your Garden Beautiful, Rain or Shine

Here in Britain our summers are hit or miss. They can be stunning with warmth and sunshine or we can have weeks of constant rain. On the plus side, it’s green here most of the time, on the down side, there’s less to enjoy about the garden when it’s soggy.

The ideas below are for putting that sparkle back into your rainy garden. They include everything from clever rain chains to water spout ideas to how to collect rain water. Even if your summers are warm, bookmark some of these ideas for when the drizzle returns.

Rain water funnels down this clever wall piece shared by Elle Decoration

This DIY Sea Glass Stepping Stone looks pretty in rain or shine

This Wine Bottle Rain Chain was on Etsy but you could DIY it using these instructions on how to cut wine bottles. Use the tops of the bottles for the rain chain and the bottoms to make candles.

If you don’t know what a rain chain is, it’s simply an artistic replacement for a water spout. Rain water from the roof funnels down it rather than a metal pipe. Rain chains direct the water while being a beautiful and sometimes musical feature.

A DIY Dry creek bed becomes a stream in the rain

Detailed instructions on how to build a Dry Steam Bed

Ladys Mantle looks its best after a rain

Recreate rain drops in the garden by using crystals

Stack rocks to create a down-spout waterfall

Keep your feet out of the mud with these Leaf Stepping Stones

Mount watering cans on the wall for a whimsical water spout feature (source unknown)

If your garden is dull, brighten it up with cute Rain & Garden Boots

I couldn’t find a real source for this AMAZING water spout idea. I imagine you could DIY it using a wooden cut-out of a cloud painted black.

Collect rain water in this DIY Rain Barrel

Imagine the water pouring out of this Boot Water Spout!

If you’d rather buy than DIY, check out this gorgeous Umbrella Rain Chain

This might look like a garden path but it’s actually a Swale. Swales help to direct run-off to places you need them in the garden. Here’s how to build one in yours.

Collect rain water for a small garden pond

Or go all out and redirect rain fall into a Natural Swimming Pool

Collect rain water in these Stacked Stone Bird Baths

This incredible DIY rain water collection tank is made out of plastic bottles

Original article and pictures take lovelygreens.com site

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